Massage & Bodywork
My approach to the body is that it is a sacred temple. It’s inherent wisdom tells us what we need to know to support, nurture, and heal it. It is my goal to facilitate this communication, providing a space for awareness and deep listening. Each session is a unique experience, intuitively guided, and tailored to your needs.
Integrated Massage ~ Therapeutic or relaxation massage combining Swedish massage techniques, deep tissue, and other modalities. Oil or lotion is applied to the skin as the client lies respectfully draped on a massage table. Focus is on increasing circulation, muscle and fascial release, and stress reduction.
Eastern Bodywork ~ Therapeutic or relaxation bodywork using a combination of eastern techniques such as tui na, acupressure, Thai massage, and shiatsu. Client wears loose, comfortable clothing and lies on massage table or floor mat. Focus is on energy flow through the body and meridians, calming, balancing, and energizing.
Restorative Touch Bodywork ~ Subtle yet powerful bodywork approach in which the therapist holds a space of "profound neutral", communicating to the nervous system a deep sense of safety and activating restorative and healing functions within the body. Client remains clothed and lies on a massage table while hands are rested lightly on the body.