Healing with the Elements
Being nature, transforming energy
An online 6-week series
Mondays, 6pm-8pm (CST) Sept 28 - Nov 2, 2020
sliding scale $60 - $120 (entire series) limit 8 participants The elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether are ancient concepts that have been used to describe matter in it's basic forms and states. In many traditions, the elements are seen as living beings and can be allies to our healing transformation. By attuning to their qualities and sensing their presence in our bodies, we can learn how to recognize their subtleties, and move closer to mastering our own energy. We will explore each element using movement, rhythm, sensation, observation, and contemplation. We will consider how each element can be used for healing, and experiment with meditations and rituals for self transformation. REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT |