Dance Medicine
An in-person movement workshop
Saturday, October 1st, 2022 3pm - 6pm
$35-$55 sliding fee scale The theme for this workshop will be "Centering". We will seek to find our center within our own body and being. Also, our center in the context of the greater world around us, be it our family, community, continent, planet, or universe. We will explore the medicine wheel and the center as sacred space and healing ground. Dance Medicine is an invitation to explore your personal medicine gifts through embodied dance, sacred circle, inner inquiry, and soul work. Movement is a deep and primal language. The body never lies! We can find out what we need to know by listening to it and through it. We can let our emotions flow by allowing the body to move with them. We can express by moving and grooving and stomping and flowing. And we can honor as we move in a sacred way, in a mindful way, clearing away obstacles, and inviting in what we want to embody. Let's find out what happens when we come together with intention. When we honor the circle: all of us teachers, all of us students. This is an invitation to: Know thyself. Listen to your inner wisdom. Blossom! Tend to your grief and pain, as well as your deepest longings and joy. Be part of the beauty Courageously step into your Self. Grow! Connect. Who should come?: All are welcome who come with an attitude of inclusivity, respect and curiosity. What to expect: (some possibilities)
What to bring: (optional)
(About the altar: Our communal altar has no association with any specific religion. Only a universal spirituality. It serves to remind us of our connection to something greater than ourselves.) Registration: Space is limited. Please register using the link below to reserve a spot: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT |