Energy Healing Online Modality Explorations private 90-minute sessions (online)
September-November 2020 $180 for 3 sessions ($60 per session, reg $120)
offer limited to first 5 clients
Identify and release core energy patterns that no longer serve you.
Integrate aspects of yourself that have been forgotten, or unheard.
Harmonize inner influences and beliefs that may be causing struggle or confusion and unconsciously holding you back.
Connect with your own source of guidance and inner wisdom.
Explore one or all of the following healing modalities, all well suited for distance work:
Energetic Dialogue By tuning to the energetic patterns and giving voice to different aspects of the self , one can begin to distinguish the forces at work within. Deeper understanding, clarity, and integration then may follow.
Conference Table We consciously invite the energy of guides, inner aspects, external influences, animal totems, and others to gather at the table of Holy Wisdom and give voice to the points of view each are holding. This modality is especially helpful when there is a key topic or question in mind, and clarity or resolution is desired.
Awareness Release Technique Awareness is a quality of the Soul, and by turning conscious awareness towards that which we would like to release or gain insight into, it naturally starts to shift. Somatic sensing is a starting point to observe and track energy towards the core of an issue, and bear witness to your own transformation. This modality is especially helpful if you tend to overthink, and want a body-centered and self-directed way to explore healing work.